Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 14

Okay I haven't put anything on here for a while but we have been without the internet for about 5 days and before that we were just busy! We have been preparing for the new football season for many weeks and last night is when it started! It was a varsity game so I didn't have to watergirl but the 1st j.v and b-team game is Monday night and I am very excited about that! But Eclectic won 38 to 22 last night and we were all very happy! We all had a great time!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 13

This is my post from yesterday (Saturday), I attended the 2010 Auburn Block & Bridle Sheep and Goat Show yesterday and it was a very good show experience. We were really lucky because all of our goats won as high as they possibly could in their individual classes, I word it that way because we have twin does and they were in the same class and got 1st and 2nd. One of them even went on to win reserve grand champion!!!!!! it was a really good day, if only it wasn't soooooo hot!


This is me; the judge; and Darcy, my reserve grand champion doe.

Day 12

This is my post for Thursday night; as some of you may know I am 1 of 4 of the official junior varsity football teams watergirls, we had to do a jamboree game Thursday night so I will just put a picture of us at that!

There is usually 4 of us but the other Hannah couldn't make it that night (we are having matching jerseys made for us right now :) so I will put a picture of us with them on when we get them back)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 11

I'm sorry I have gotten sooo far behind but with school starting I haven't had very much time lately. But today was a bittersweet day for my family because my dear cousin Rachel moved into her apartment at University of Alabama where she transferred. We are very excited for her but we are all gonna miss seeing her as frequently. :( ( I apologize for these being soooooo blurry, i had to take a picture of a picture to get this!)

This is Rachel holding me the day I was born ;)

Me and Rachel played with my dolls for many HOURS when we were little!

This is around Rachel's 16th birthday

Another thing that we did today is go to fan day at Auburn. It has been a tradition in our family for years and  I took my good friend Patty with me and I will put a few pictures of that on here too! ;)


For some reason the Chick-Fil-A cow was there and of coures we had to get a picture with him! ;)

Aubie is such a sweetie!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 10

            Okay, everyone get mad if you want but I didn't take any pictures today. So I will just walk you through my day today.  I woke up at 5:50 and went out to feed the goats then came in and prepared for school. I then went to school. Then I walked to the high school to watergirl at football practice and was really hot the whole time. I am really excited for the football season to start back up! I was at football practice until 5:45 and then came home and fed again. Since then I have basically been resting and getting some stuff for school tommorow ready.

            I have overall really been enjoying my classses, I am happy with my schedule too. The only thing I am sad about is all of my friends that are girls moved up to the high school and my p.e class is pretty lonely and sad :(  But I can't complain too much because God has given me many good friends that are good people but I do still;  miss my other friends!
(I suppose I can post some old pictures of me and some friends!)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 9

I found some old pictures of me today that I thought you guys might enjoy so I hope you all enjoy this walk down memory lane!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 8

Today after church we went school supplies shopping, as usual it was a pretty stressful day, We did find some pretty sweet deals but it still ends up being a bad shopping day. I hope everyone has a good start off to the school week, or as good as it can be anyway! ;) 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 7

Well I told everyone that I would have pictures of the yard on here today, i still isn't completely finished but the basic visible part is. I is really nice and pretty!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 6

Today I ate lunch with my friend angel at My Father's Place.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 5

Tonight was open house at my school, below is a picture of all of my pamphlets that have the supplies and rules for this year. Isn't it lovely getting back into the routine of school. :)

Day 4

This is last nights post because I never had time to sit down and post it but I went to piano lessons then to church. After church we went to go visit our Gammaw and her visitor (my cousin) Rachel. Rachel always enjoys playing with my hair and last night she french braided it for me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 3

 We have started a youth praise and worship band at my church in the past week, and we had our second practice tonight. I am playing the keyboard.There are nine of us youth.  The name of our band is Ephesus (Revelation 2). I will have a video on the first Sunday of September when we have our first performance at church.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 2

Okay, some of you may know this and some may not but my family has been planning to get our circle in our driveway redone since the beginning of the summer and today was the first day of construction and right now it is at that stage where it doesn't look so great. We are eventually hoping to have the whole driveway bordered with concrete, we are gonna have sod at the end and we are gonna have lots of nice flowers, it will be really nice in the end but today was the concrete day and as everybody knows it usually always ends up looking quite bad that day. I will make sure to put a picture of the finished product on which will hopefully be by the end of the week! :)


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 1

Okay, I know I probably don't have that many followers and it will probably end up being only my family reading this but I just want to let some people be informed on what is going on in my life so I am starting this 365 day picture blog. I promise i will try to do the best I can to remember to take pictures of things and sit down and post them daily. So today I am going to simply post a picture of me : )