Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Easter Weekend

Okay, we are sitting in the house with terrible torandos all over the state, so since I have nothing else to do I will shall blog:)First I am going to stop titling my posts by days because I obviously don't update it daily. So started our Easter weekend going to Prattville to see my aunt, uncle, and two cousins(one of which being Lindsy from Texas) then went to a good Friday service.
Then Sunday we got up at 5:30am to go to our church's sunrise service.
Then they had the kids egg hunt then church again.

                                     We had our wonderful family Easter celebration after church 

We then came home and opened our Easter basket's that we hadn't had time to do previously and then I was thrilled to find these :)

Hope everybody else had a good Easter weekend too!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 31

I haven't really had anything to put on the blog in a while, not much has really happened. I still don't have anything to put on here, so I just wanted to let everybody know I was still okay :) 
Hope everybody has a great week!