Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First day of school

So we started school yesterday, I still haven't totally made up my mind if I like high school much or not, but I guess I'll have to give it a chance.
This was yesterday morning

Friday, August 12, 2011

Time for School

We will be going back to school in 2 days now. I haven't totally decided if I'm excited or not yet, but we will know soon enough. I will be at the High School this year and I'm looking forward to that. We have gotten a lot of school shopping done but will probably have to take one more trip. But these are some of the sweet buys we did get:
My Backpack
My Watch
My Ring
 My Jeans
  My Lunchbox

There is nothing like back to school bargains:)

The Freshman Project

This morning I got up and went to a meeting for "The Freshman Project". We will be handing out bibles to our peers throughout the year. I ask for your prayer that the more hesitant ones would have open hearts and minds about the whole thing.
My good friend Angel, who started the project, will be helping me, we have been buddies since we were little kids:)


Monday, August 1, 2011

Bringing Back Some Memories:)

We have been going on a major cleaning streak and along the way we found lots of great old pictures, I never realized how cute of a little kid I was until now:)

My hair at 2 is exactly like it is now, just thinner:)