Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 20

Last night was another junior varsity football game (that I am a official watergirl for) and we unfortunatly lost but we did take a group picture of all four of us H20 girls :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 19

Tonight was the Panthers 4th game against Calera. I took my friend Olivia, and it was a really long drive, and it rained, and we had like a hour long rain delay, and unfortunately we lost. But, other than all of those flaws, me and Olivia were definitely the two most spirited fans there (ponchos and all!) ;)

Day 18

I didn't do anything interesting today, so I decided I would put some stuff on here about my church's youth praise band, Ephesus. We are already starting to see some great opportunities arising with this band!
Meet Ephesus:
 Singers: Nikki Flynn & Angel Knight
Percussion: Lane Attaway
Base: Brandon Flynn
Guitar: Gabe Knight
Drums: Jake Walker
The Really Cool Pianist: Hannah Costello ;)
Sound Set-up: Wesley Costello


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 17

This may be a kind of strange post but Wednesday I was taking my book bag off at school (and I'm sure you all know how heavy they can be) and it slipped of my finger and I caught it with my thumb, I just wore a brace on it all week until today when I went to get it x-rayed and they told me I sprained my thumb. I know I may be the only person in the world to ever do this in this exact same way.

And last night was a football game and we won and Wesley played a lot but he got hit in the shoulder and has a separated shoulder and is in a sling for at least a week and can't play this Friday night. He is in a lot of pain and I ask for your prayers for us, and that the rest of the family stays well too! ;)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 16

Today my twin friend, Olivia came over to my house because we are out of school for labor day. We got really bored and went outside and I think these pictures explain the rest........

The reason I called her my twin friend is everybody tells us we look alike, or at least look like we are related! Do you think we look alike? :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 15

When I was about 7 or 8 I went around saying "true" in reply to like EVERYTHING and Mom eventually showed me this video to make me stop, even to this day it makes me smile ;) ( and since I posted this off of the Internet I recommend you not watch any of the videos that pop up across the bottom at the end of this one, you just may never know what it might be)  :)